Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

Inside of West Sumatera

Vacation is all of you need, try to choose a very best place on your list.

Location : Sumpur Hotel , Singkarak Lake, West Sumatera, Indonesia.

a fisherman try to catch the fresh little fish

Beautiful sunrise!!! start a new day with a new journey!

enjoyed the sunrise and take a deep breath, heaven on earth!

so INDONESIA!!! Look at the ricefield are so green,  the hills are so blue, and the sky are so cloudy, what a very cozy place!
(Location : Solok, West Sumatera, Indonesia)
a snapshot infrant of the waterfalls
(Location : Lembahanai Waterfall, West Sumatera, Indonesia)

after all, on my way back home!!!

see you on my next vacation :)

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